Last Updated on March 17, 2025 6:31 am
We know that at certain times of our life, we come across any characteristic pain or injury due to one reason or others.
Back pains, arm and neck pains are among the most common pains and their related conditions like arthritis.
First, we go for basic treatment from our friend’s advice, like icing or heat and taking ample rest.
Lastly, using a topical ointment like BENGAY or Icy Cold, an OTC medication with active ingredients like menthol and salicylates, becomes a necessary option.
BENGAY Vs. Icy Hot
BENGAY topical ointments and gels contain methanol and methyl salicylate as the active ingredients. On the other hand, Icy Cold also uses the same ingredients but penetrates deeper than the BENGAY products.
PS – Both Bengay and Icy hot use similar ingredients, which give warm and cold sensations to our brain, and pain receptors get distracted due to new sensations.
BenGay/ Icy Hot-Working Mystery:
Since time immemorial, we have heard from ages that applying creams like BenGay or ICyHot assists in pain relief.
The menthol, salicylates, and recently the camphor here brings the cold sensations and then a warm one.
Camphor increases the blood flow to the site as well, and menthol, salicylic are potent counterirritants.
- Many researchers and neurologists worked for years to figure out the reason and mechanism for the same.
- Finally, the hand touched the right note when researchers figured out the mechanism, and this has helped people suffering from chronic pains.
- Menthol is a trigger for a specific protein receptor that counteracts the pain signals.
- Icilin, a chemical in our tubes of toothpaste, is a better trigger for the above action.
- When we apply icilin, it stimulates the same mechanism for the body as natural cooling.
- More research heads are on the way to getting more intricate answers.
RICE for pain relief with BENGAY or IcyCold:
Rest, Ice, Compression, and elevation are four basic elements for recovery from any pain.
- RICE is a physical therapy-related approach where an athlete goes through multiple steps of recovery of a strained muscle.
- R stands for rest, which means taking rest so that body can self-heal the area and prevent re-injury.
- I in RICE stands for ICE, which means providing cold output to the body like an ice pack or topical ointments that provide a cooling sensation.
- C is Compression/ wrapping the affected part to decrease the inflammation of the area.
- Lastly, E for elevation means to elevate the injury to the level of the heart, like keeping a pillow below the affected area to decrease swelling.
- Sometimes, some doctors use the term RICER, where the last R means Rehabilitation if the injury is not yet okay.
PS – Heat therapy can also be done along with cold in tandem.
PPS – Healing with cold or heat-related methods includes the mechanism of natural healing by bringing blood flow or reducing it at the site.
Heating, for instance, increases the flow of blood and brings more oxygen, hormones, nutrients, etc., to speed up the healing process.
Some recommended items:
01. Bengay Ultra Strength PR Cream – $14.56 to $20.90
- Pain-relieving cream with a non-greasy version.
- One of the best pain-relievers in the market.
- Good for minor aches and pains contains salicylates as an active ingredient.
- It creates a warm and cool sensation and provides fast pain relief.
02. BENGAY Ultra Strength PR Patches Large – $20.96 to $36.28
- Pain-relieving patches with menthol 5%.
- Four packets per box.
- It easily alleviates the pain and doesn’t have a sharp smell either.
- Good for issues like osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Reputable brand and high customer satisfaction.
03 – Icy Hot Medicated Pain Relief Liquid:
- It is a soothing and cooling topical analgesic that penetrates deep to provide fast and effective relief from back pain, arthritis, and muscle aches.
- It is a drug-free and easy to use topical pain reliever that provides long lasting relief. The no mess applicator makes it easy to apply and prevents any mess.
Some other questions,
Related Questions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1.) Is Bengay an anti-inflammatory med?
Answer: Yes!
With active ingredients like salicylates and camphor, it reduces inflammation and the related pain of the tissue/ muscle with is both warming and cooling effects.
Q2.) Which is the best gel for pain-relieving of the back?
Answer: Back pains are tricky, and most products involving sprays, topical gels do not get absorbed well.
- However, some products are quite effective as their ingredients minimize the pain and increase the absorption rates.
- Tiger Balm, Salonpas Deep PR gel, and Dr. Blue C-Gel are some good options.
Q3.) Does icy hot heal any pain?
Answer: The chemical properties of this gel are like many others. They do not reach deep into the muscles to begin any healing.
They only trick the brain and pain signals and bring temporary relief.
Q4.) What is the main ingredient in tiger balm that makes it so effective than the competition?
Answer: Camphor!
Camphor and menthol both increase the blood flow to the area of their application.
This creates a warming kind of sensation and relieves the pain and stiffness.
Also, they promote healing by sending more blood to the affected place.
Q5.) Can the Bengay raise anyone’s BP?
Answer: As per the pharmacokinetics club and rxda, Yes!
The bengay can increase your BP, so check your blood pressure regularly.
Q6.) Can bengay reduce the back pain?
Answer: Not the very best product for back pain!
There is a reason for that, which is its active ingredients like menthol and salicylates, which are counterirritants as well.
So, use the bengay only for small aches or minor ones.
Q7.) Can BenGay help with my pulled muscle?
Answer: Not much!
- As per the research done by MIT, these products are only effective for the treatment of minor aches and pains.
- Using them for other pains will not be useful.
PS – By acute and minor aches, we mean those pains that erupt from direct injuries like a tissue rupture.
Q8.) What is the fastest technique to get relief from severe back pain?
Answer: Heat and cold.
- We know that back pains can be excruciatingly painful, so treating them is a daunting task.
- As per some recent studies, only a mixture of both heat and cold is effective against most back pains.
To do this, simply put some ice pack in a towel and then apply some heat.
Q9.) Why does Icy hot feel good after its application?
Answer: Salicylates are potent counterirritants and promote skin sensitivity to hot and cold.
This signal distracts the pain signal for some time, and you feel quite relaxed.
Q10.) In how much time can the Icy Hot begin to work?
Answer: Around ten minutes.
For back pains in the lower back, for instance, apply the icy hot toll.
Then, muscles begin to lose a bit, and pain becomes less.
Q11.) Is it okay to use Icy Hot near the genital area?
Answer: No!
Like most other medications, do not use this on sensitive parts like eyes, mouth, genitals.
And don’t even touch the areas mentioned above if your hand is dirty with it.
Q12.) Is the tiger balm illegal?
Answer: No!
It is quite legal in the US and widely available in major stores.
The only thing is that the regulation is not done by FDA but is still available at app stores and pharma centers.
Q13.) What are the uses of tiger balm?
Answer: It helps in the relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and related.
Age group – Adults and kids above two-plus.
Tiger balm white – Adults only and for tension headache.
Q14.) What is different in a red tiger balm?
Answer: Tiger red is a simple herbal ointment with proven results and for soothing the stiff and sore muscles.
It stimulates the circulation by providing a warm feel yet relief from many aches.
PS – Intended for usage in only adults and kids 2 + age.
Q15.) Can bengay be called a safe bet for everyday usage?
Answer: Any OTC, over-the-counter meds are never HARMLESS.
In other words, the active ingredients in these balms are risky for the skin on the condition of overuse.
Q16.) Are there any side effects of bengay?
Answer: Stinging or burning sensation, redness, and related post-application of the med.
Or severe pain or blistering to the applied place of med.
Q17.) Is bengay safe to use on the neck?
Answer: Yes!
One can massage circularly to relieve off neck pains and stiffness.
For best results, do both a massage as well as use an OTC medication/ topical ointment.
Also, keep your neck little mobile during everyday works.
Q18.) Can BENGAY relieve me of the sharp nerve pains?
Answer: Yes!
BENGAY ultra one can use for simple pains like backaches, sprains, and nerve pains.
Ultra has some other uses also.
Final Verdict:
BENGAY is a fantastic topical ointment that helps to relieve the acute and chronic pain of the affected area.
It has proven active ingredients like Methanol and Salicylates that interfere with the body’s pain receptors and, in this manner, helps relieve the pain.
The more advanced BENGAY Ultra product comes with superior rates of pain relief by active ingredients like camphor and salicylates.
It penetrates deeper than the previous products and is available in 2 oz. And 4 oz. Packings.
One should make sure to use the product only as directed and keep it away from sensitive parts like genitals, eyes, ears, and similar ones.
Only 12 + age groups of kids and adults are free to use this because it is a stronger product.
Some of the most common health issues where this mixture helps are backaches, bruises, and sprains.
A recommended temperature of 20 to 26 degrees C is fine, and do not use it on any wounds.
If any side effect develops, you should immediately stop using the product.
Thanks For Reading!