How Big is 7 Cubic Feet?

Last Updated on March 16, 2025 4:40 am

More than any simple number, a cubic foot is an important unit for individuals looking to buy a new freezer which comes in different sizes in cubic feet units.

Similarly, cubic feet are the volume capacity of any three-dimensional enclosed space like a cubic box.

For freezers, we get compact, which begins from five cubic feet and goes all the way to small and medium-large as well.

As per an interesting rule of thumb, for every 1.5 cubic feet of volume, one household member can use it without any serious issue.

How Big Is Seven Cubic Feet?

7 Cubic feet = 198.2 Litres = 12,095 cubic inches = 6,702.55 ounces.

So, seven cubic feet is a fairly good size to buy a chest freezer and well for two or three members of a household.

Finding the right cubic feet by proper measurement:

Cubic feet are a unit for measuring volume and are simply the space occupied by a cube if its length = height = width = 1 foot.

  • One can also calculate them with the formula of l x b x h, but in a cube, all three sides are equal, so don’t waste time and simply cube the sides.
  • For instance, let there be a carton that has dimensions of 13 x 20.25 x 12.5 in inches.
  • To calculate its volume in cubic feet, we will first convert the inches into feet by dividing them by 12.
  • Then multiply all three to get the volume of 1.9 cubic feet.

PS – 1 inch = 1/12th of a feet 1 yard = 3 feet.

Calculating freezer size:

It is great for those who prefer to buy in bulk and store later for unfavorable conditions or weather ahead.

  • But it is also true that it looks simple but doesn’t fit in out in our normal freezers which come as customary with refrigerator.
  • To counter this, a stand-alone freezer with proper capacity can solve the issue.
  • There are primarily four kinds of freezer sizes viz. compact, small, medium, and large.
  • Compact has around five cubic feet of capacity, small six to nine, medium with twelve to eighteen, and lastly large with more than twenty cubic feet.
  • As a rule of thumb, remember that each cubic footholds 36 pounds of food.
  • Lastly, multiply the number of household members by 2.5 cubic feet to get the approximations.

Some recommended items:

01. SMETA 7 cubic feet Chest Freezer – $167.89 to $181.90

  • Multiple-use Deep Freezer with thermostat.
  • A large freezer with baskets and works quietly.
  • Great for storing perishable items like milk, cold beverages, quick-freezing, meat, and others.
  • Highly efficient freezing rate with easy accessibility and a control dial that can control a range of temperatures with ease.
  • Low on energy, more on performance.
  • A removable basket utility for storage purposes and an adjustable draining of water.
  • Twelve-month warranty.
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02. Midea MRC04M3AWW, White 3.5 cubic. ft. – $282.90 to $340.28

  • Comes with a small mechanical control that can adjust the thermostat temp.
  • Comes with a small hanging door for ease.
  • 1-year full warranty and 2-years on the compressor.  
  • Small size but a large capacity with MEDIA D plus a system for special cooling.

Some other questions,

Related Questions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1.) What are the proper dimensions for a seven cubic feet freezer?

Answer: 39.4 x 34 x 23.8 for 78.9 pounds of home labs brand freezers.

You can buy from e-commerce giants like Amazon as well.

If you need a chest freezer of larger size, it will likely have cubic footage of 17+ cubic feet easily.

Q2.) How much can we add to a seven cubic foot freezer?

Answer: 111 Kgs or 246 pounds!

Whereas the ten cubic feet version can easily hold 350 pounds.

On the other hand, the basic 5-cubic foot freezer is liable and useful for two-person households easily.

As per a rule of thumb, each cubic foot of freezer can hold around 16 Kg or 35 pounds easily.

Q3.) What is the proper measurement for seven cubic feet of volume?

Answer: Cubic feet is the unit for measuring the volume of a cube where we multiple each side thrice or cube it.

7 Cubic feet can easily hold over 28.3 l or around 7.8 gallons of liquid.

In cubic inches, it is equal to 12,096 cubic inches.

Q4.) How much can I fit to fill the capacity of a five cubic feet freezer?

Answer: 79 Kgs.

As per a rule of thumb and stated above, each cubic feet is liable to hold around 16kgs which roughly gives an eighty Kg capacity of five cubic feet of freezer.

Q5.) What size does the standard freezer follow?

Answer: When it comes to the freezers, they come in four basic sizes with compact, small, medium, and large.

Compact – 5 cubic feet.

Small – 5 to 9 cubic feet.

Medium to large – 12 to 25 cubic feet.

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PS – As per the official data from the Appliance industry annual data, 1.5 cubics. Feet is the minimum requirement per person in a household.

Q6.) How many meat pounds can I add to the seven cubic feet freezer?

Answer: Again, there is a simple formula for that where one cubic foot can give space to around 35 pounds of meat.

For a quarter of beef, for instance, make sure you have a compact to the middle-sized freezer.

Similarly, half beef needs no less than eight inches of space.

Q7.) How can you convert the cubic feet to its square feet counterpart?

Answer: You can do this by dividing the volume in cubic feet with its alternate depth to get the same in sq. feet.

For instance, let the volume in cubic. Feet be five and depth be 0.25, then the answer in square feet becomes equal to 20.

Q8.) How to measure the box cube perfectly?

Answer: The actual formula for calculating the volume includes multiplying the length, breadth, and height with each other as l x b x h.

However, cube l = b = h, which means every side is equal.

So, simply cube its any side to get the answer.

For a box of height = 7 cm, its final measurement becomes 7 x 7 x 7 = 343 cubic. Cm.

Q9.) Which is better for you, an upright or chest freezer?

Answer: You must understand that the chest freezer makes such that they give 20% more volume in comparison to the upright one.

So, the chest burns better as well, and suppose there is a blackout, and then it is the chest freezer that will hold your articles for longer than its upright counterpart.

Q10.) Is there any difference between the deep freezers and simple freezers?

Answer: Yes!

In simple freezers, their location is always above a fridge and can have holding volumes of up to 150 l.

On the other hand, the deep freezers open in a horizontal fashion with holding capacities varying from 100 l to over 500 liters.

Also, a deep freezer doesn’t offer any shelving or drawers with respect to their upright ones.

Q11.) How many chickens can I enter in my freezer?

Answer: For 12.8 cubic feet of the mid-chest freezer, one can hold more than sixty to hundreds of chickens, obviously depending on the bird size.

As per the specifications of the Sears dot com, it can use up to 289 kWh annually.

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Q12.) How much freezer space do I need for quarter beef?

Answer: At least four cubic feet for eighty-five pounds of meat and eight cubic feet for a side/ half.

Lastly, if you plan on keeping a full, then at least sixteen cubic feet of space will be needed to handle its weight.

Q13.) How to organize my seven feet chest freezers?

Answer: There are ample methods to do so. First, organize everything into clean and small categories.

Place items neatly into bins that are suitable in the freezer.

Lastly, arrange them in neat layers and keep their inventory with you.

Q14.) What is a chest freezer?

Answer: A chest freezer can adjust more food than their complementary upright one and saves cold air as well, which means less of those unpleasant burns.

They are better options than upright ones.

Q15.) What is the right freezer size for a family of 6 people?

Answer: Multiply your household members with 2.5 cubic feet per member to get a rough idea.

Here it comes as 15 cubic feet.

Q16.) How much is the volume of a perfect freezer cube whose one side is 3 feet?

Answer: 9 Cubic. Feet.

The formula for finding volume is generally length x breadth x height.

But for a cube, all its sizes are equal so save time by cubing the given number.

So 3 x 3 x 3 or cube of three = nine cubic feet.

Final Verdict:

Seven cubic feet is an important number and is most often in use for freezer size estimations.

Many seven cubic feet freezers can easily hold over 180 Kgs.

One can calculate the capacity of the freezer by roughly multiplying their household members by 2.5.

For instance, if your family has ten members, you need 25 cubic feet of the freezer to sustain.

We have four types of freezer sizes like compact, which comes with just five cubic feet of capacity, small with six to nine cubic feet capacity, medium with 12-18 cubic feet.

Lastly, a large size comes above 18 + feet.

A chest freezer has more advanced features than their upright counterparts as they save energy and cools better.

Above all, they have more space as well and do not give freeze burns.

You can get plenty of options in a seven cubic feet category.

Thanks For Reading!