How to Get Free Guitars? – Some Strategies You Should Know!

Last Updated on February 7, 2025 12:04 am

When you are first starting on the guitar, you’ll want to ensure that you are to be successful. 

You’ll need the perfect guitar to help you get through those difficult initial days and help you set in the right direction. 

Of course, you’re going to have to consider your budget and make some sacrifices regarding playing and sound.

What if you can get the same free of cost? That is incredible, but we are often not aware of these tactics.

And this can assist you to strike the right balance by looking after your budget and acquiring the perfect instrument that will provide you with a great service. 

How To Get Free Guitar?

You can get a free guitar by lots of methods if you are aware, like giveaways or endorsements that happen occasionally.

While there are ample ways to get a free guitar, only a few are legit, like Asking from a friend or getting from throwback events.

Some proven and simple methods to get a free guitar:

1.) Contact a Friend via trading – 

  • The easiest method to obtain an instrument for free is to request one. 
  • Many people have old guitars lying around with little desire to play them. 
  • Think of people who own guitars but don’t use them because they’ve broken tuning keys or other parts you can easily fix. 
  • Try trading with another. 
  • And this could be a great alternative when you’ve got something they’ll need.

2.) A Gift or saving for it separately 

Is your birthday coming up? 

  • You can ask someone from your family or a friend to buy you a guitar. 
  • They can be expensive. Therefore, you should decide whether you’re ready to practice regularly. 
  • If your family members feel that you’ll be committed to a regular practice schedule, they’ll be more likely to purchase a guitar.
  • Or save yourself by doing some side job. It is not free but not a bad deal still.

3.) Borrow One

  • If you have a friend who owns a guitar but isn’t keen on playing it, ask to lend the instrument from time to time. 
  • It will be the best option if someone is not an experienced guitarist and doesn’t often play their instrument. 
  • You can ask if they are willing to lend the guitar for a specific time, such as weekends. 
  • And this will give you the chance to play until you’re ready to purchase an instrument that is your own.
READ:   How Many Guitar Chords Are There?

Free guitars via Non-Conventional ways:

They run many contests from time to time on some sponsor websites whose giveaways can help you a lot. 

Look out for some Contests:

  • There are numerous contests that you can avail of to get a prize guitar. 
  • You can search Google to find a wide range of contests online. 

Check out some of the top guitar sites online. 

Endorsements are the king:

If you’re extremely gifted, you might consider asking your favorite guitar manufacturer to get an endorsement deal. 

If they do not give you a complimentary guitar, you’re probably receiving a substantial discount. 

It can be beneficial in the future for the equipment you need and string requirements. 

TIP: Endorsee is looking for publicity for their products. Therefore, make sure that you’re playing at events with much attention before reaching out to one of these companies.

Free guitars alternatives for low budgeters and there worth:

Free guitars can be great, but what if you want one urgently and do not have the time to wait? So, it can be worth it if you buy affordable guitars. 

Are cheap guitars worth the cost? 

The answer, we believe, is contingent objectives and a budget, and the level of your enthusiasm for the instrument. 

  • The lesson to take away is don’t decide based on price alone. 
  • The ultra-budget guitar could be the ideal choice for you, particularly for those who are total beginners.
  • We recommend guitars within the $200-$300 price range for beginners as I believe that it gives them the best chance at success. 
  • Companies such as Epiphone, Yamaha, and Squier have built a reputation for their high-quality instruments and affordable prices. 
  • You can count on them to be the first time you buy a guitar. 
  • Trouble begins when you make a rash purchase resulting in an unfinished doorstop with strings.

PS – In the end, buying a used guitar is no different from buying a high-end one. Conduct your research, weigh your options, and make the best choice possible.

Some other questions,

Related Questions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1.) How can we get some guitar for free?

Answer: There are some simple ways to do so, like asking your friend who has a guitar lying with him and he no longer uses it.

There are also some run free giveaways that you can utilize.

READ:   How to Get Rid of Guitar Calluses?

Q2.) Is there any free trial on Fender’s play?

Answer: There are monthly and annual subscriptions for Fender, which cost $9.99 and $99.99 annually.

And yes, they offer seven-day free trials.

Q3.) How much cheap guitar can we get?

Answer: You can get a very low-quality version for less than $100, beginner guitars for $100 to $300 range, and above this, most guitars are suitable for intermediates. 

Q4.) Are there any free instruments?

Answer: There are some tips to get free musical instruments like contacting your school district or a local conservatory as they often have these kinds of instruments with them for a long.

Q5.) Is it free to use the simple guitar?

Answer: Yes, you can start easily with a seven-day free trial through the app itself by just subscribing with an annual plan.

Q6.) Is it free to use Yousician?

Answer: Yes, it is free to play forever but keep in mind that it will give you only twenty-minute feedback daily or a single lesson on their free tier. 

Q7.) How can one afford an expensive guitar?

Answer: First, we need to be patient and buy the very first guitar we see. Rather, we should wait for it because you can get some incredible deals on days like Black Friday sales for a bonus discount.

Q8.) How to get some cheap equipment?

Answer: Buying used musical instruments is the obvious way to save lots of money on sites like Amazon, eBay, or craigslist.

Q9.) Who is the best guitarist in the world?

Answer: Jimi Hendrix is undoubtedly the best guitarist today at number ONE spot, followed by Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page.

No woman could rank in the top ten list this time, though.

Q10.) Can we get the Justin guitar app for free?

Answer: Yes, the Justin beginner’s course for guitar comes free, and One does not even need to put their credit card info.

Q11.) Is the real guitar app free?

Answer: Yes, the app is free, but you need a license if you want to remove all ads.

Here one can have lots of fun with the most guitar app ever.

Q12.) What are some free apps for guitar tabs for both iOS and Android?

Answer: Ultimate guitar tabs and chords, Guitar Pro, Tux guitar, Yousician, Guitar tabs and chords, guitar tab player are some of the best recommendations.

Q13.) Does the cheap guitar able to sound good?

Answer: This debate has no answer because even a cheap guitar can produce a sound equivalent to higher-end guitar versions.

READ:   What Household Items Can You Use to Clean Guitar Strings?

The only issue is that the life of parts will be less and prone to failures.

Q14.) What is the most expensive guitar?

Answer: Fender Stratocaster’s ROTA got sold for $2.7 million in 2015, and this was due to the Bryan Adams Asia project for helping the Tsunami victims of 2004.

Q15.) Are electric guitars any expensive?

Answer: You might be surprised that the same electric guitar that begins from just $100 can go as high as several MILLION DOLLARS! 

As a beginner, you need not worry much about higher-priced guitars and buy starting budget one. 

Q16.) How do musicians manage to afford instruments?

Answer: Mostly, if you are wealthy, you can buy straight away, or if you are a celebrity performer, companies will sponsor you.

Q17.) Why does the guitar equipment cost so much?

Answer: Labor is one reason, and the other is that premium quality material also costs a premium.

And the higher-end guitars ask you to shell out a premium price for their equipment. 

Q18.) Why are most of the guitar setups expensive?

Answer: The process is not for automation because we need the skilled labor for setting up a guitar.

They are expensive because you must pay more for premium brands.

Q19.) Which is the cheapest instrument?

Answer: Flute must be the cheapest instrument, and clarinet/ trumpet are also not too far from these.

Tambourine is also cheap, but its usage is quite restricted.

Q20.) What are some top websites to learn guitar for free?

Answer: Artist Works, my special instruments, the basics of guitars are most famous.

However, Jam’s play and Justin’s guitar are also not too far.

Final Verdict:

Best guitar builders have top-quality starter guitars at the price bracket.

For those who are just starting, we suggest acoustic guitars within the $200-$300 range and electric guitars and amps that cost approximately $300. 

Many people think of going smaller for the first instrument they purchase, usually choosing lesser-known brands at around the $100 mark or even less. 

While this isn’t exactly the route we would suggest, it’s necessarily an undesirable thing. For people who are just beginning, this may be the best option.

Thanks For Reading!