What Breakers are Compatible with Cutler-Hammer?

Last Updated on February 12, 2025 1:55 am

When one is looking for some breakers which are compatible with the cutler hammer, remember that there are several categories.

One can choose from an everlasting variety such as Low Voltage, High Voltage, Magnetic, or thermal circuit breakers.

It is worth noting that there is not a single perfect choice and that in the future, it can be difficult to find the right parts and models for the equipment.

Do notice that even certain small things like some mounting connections are difficult to determine.

And this makes the process of tracking your circuit breaker even more cumbersome.

However, if you ever need a cutler hammer replacement, certain decisions are covered below as well.

What Breakers are Compatible with Cutler-Hammer?

There are 5 categories of circuit breakers that are compatible with the cutler hammer, namely Low Voltage, High Voltage, Magnetic, or thermal circuit breakers.

All these have their particular use.

You can check out these best breakers that can be used with Cutler-Hammer breakers

01) Low Voltage Circuit Breakers
02) Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers
03) High Voltage Circuit Breakers
04) Thermal Circuit Breakers
05) Magnetic Circuit Breakers

Circuit breaker functions:

You should know that all circuit breakers are designed to protect circuits in the form of fuses and other ways.

Whenever the circuit trips, the power source to the circuit gets cut automatically.

This helps in the prevention of damage to all the house equipment and other electrical appliances.

The circuit breaker will remain tripped until the overload conditions remain.

Also, one can easily reset them manually as they have a small button on the breaker only.

Circuit breaker categories compatible with Cutler-Hammer:

  • Low Voltage Circuit breaker – This is the most common circuit breaker that one can find in various residential and commercial buildings.
  • These devices assist in protecting the entire circuit or even the individual devices.
  • When it comes to low voltage CBS, even they have two further categories, which are namely MCCBs and MCBs.
  • MCCB stand for Molded case circuit breaker, whereas the MCB stands for miniature circuit breaker
  • Medium Voltage Circuit breaker – These types of circuit breakers are deployed in 120/ 240 voltages and, as the name suggests, for medium voltage levels.
  • These types of breakers are common, and one can find these everywhere, from home wiring layout to that of businesses.
  • One can also notice these kinds of breakers at electrical lines of railways.
  • High Voltage Circuit Breakers – This is more of a safeguard device that is highly prevalent in the transmission and distribution of electricity.
  • It assists in protecting the transmission line from any damage due to any current, an imbalance, or a fault.
  • Thermal CB – One must have seen this circuit breaker in their fuse boxes, and you can also call them by names such as overload breakers.
  • They assist by tripping the current flow at a certain temperature.
  • The breaker has a metal strip with two metals welded properly.
  • Magnetic Circuit breaker – These are a nice modern replacement for the authentic version of trip breakers.
  • They deploy a fascinating technology and are a modern age breaker.
  • They use a multi-dimension EM coil which keeps on changing its polarity continuously.
  • Also, they are compatible with the Cutler-Hammer.
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Eaton and Square D compatibility with a Cutler-Hammer:

The cutler hammer and Eaton are both two sides of one coin only, which means both are compatible with each other.

It is just the company Eaton that has Eaton’s name, and the numbers are all the same from within.

On a similar note, the Square D breakers can fit, but only if the number given on the model is compatible with the other or as listed on the box.

In Short, Eaton is compatible with Cutler-Hammer on all models.

Interchangeability of Siemens and Cutler-Hammer and Replacement of a Murray Breaker:

Please note that a Cutler-Hammer does not work with anything Siemens.

The Murray breakers, on the other hand, are 100% identical and can also roll off the given assembly line.

One person used the drilling for a Siemens and Murray breaker, and they were all the same.

However, Square D breakers work in the same boat as the Murray does. The basic advantages are a robust design and easy-to-do installation.

One more benefit is that they are reliable and safe also.

Some recommended items:

01. Klein Tools ET310 AC Circuit Breaker Finder – $36.31 – $39.99

This breaker finder comes with an Integrated GFCI Outlet Tester.This can quickly find and correct the circuit automatically.

It comes with a tester and a transmitter that connects to the electrical outlet/ fixture.

A GFCI outlet tester and inspects the wiring condition and test the same.

Operates on a 90-120V AC circuit.

02. ProCase Hard Travel Case for Klein Tools ET310 – $14.31 – $15.99

AC circuit breaker finder and GFCI Integrated outlet tester with an EVA protective case.

Water-resistant and HARD EVA material for full protection with an extra storage compartment and ties.

Comes with a bright interior mesh pocket with a portable sturdy handle for easy carrying to the backpack.

Some other Questions,

Related Questions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1.) Do the Cutler-Hammer still do business?

Answer: Available and that too actively!

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All the Westinghouse circuit breakers are in production and being sold under the Cutler hammer Circuit breaker itself.

Q2.) What type of Circuit breaker do I possess?

Answer: One can find the type of Circuit breakers by seeing the markings on them, which are available on the inside panel or cover door.

You might see a label that will assist in knowing the type of breaker fit for installing there.

Also, in the market, there are many home and commercial type Circuit breakers panels.

Q3.) What type of breakers can fit the Crouse-Hinds panel?

Answer: As most know that Crouse-Hinds bought the Murray when the Cooper Ind. I bought the Crouse-Hinds as their product line was quite like Siemens.

However, they kept the original Murray name which was already the OEM choice.

Lastly, both these breakers also had the same looks.

Q4.) Is there any interchangeability between the QP and QT?

Answer: Siemens QP, QT, QAF are all the basic interchangeable plug-on feature Circuit breakers and have several names like Siemens, Murray Gould, etc.

Q5.) What is the CH type breaker?

Answer: Eaton’s type CH Circuit breakers are an incredible product that protects your home wires from overheating or overloading.

It also gives protection from fault current or short circuits.

The common circuit breakers of type CH are ¾ inches wide and available in 3 poles with 10 to 150 Amp.

Q6.) What do you mean by a Type QP breaker by Siemens?

Answer: The make is to fit the Siemen’s breaker panels and to snap down into them.

Also, the hardware is such that they snap-in into the breaker and is different from other Circuit breakers that use an external screw with a bolt.

Q7.) Can one call Square D and Siemens Circuit breakers interchangeable?

Answer: While some of the products are interchangeable but due to lack of enough research, it is not wise to do or only do in some emergency.

Q8.) Can we interchange all Square D Circuit breakers?

Answer: No

It depends on circuit load as well, and not parts are interchangeable.

Q9.) Who owns Eaton?

Answer: Eaton has its HQ at Beachwood, Ohio, USA, and Craig Arnold serves as the CEO.

The founder was J.O. Eaton II.

Q10.) Can one change CH and BR breakers?

Answer: Don’t do it.

While they are physically interchangeable, and most of them are like Cutler-Hammer CH, Homeline, Siemens, and Murray.

Though it is not allowed to do so as per the UL listings, so it does not matter whether they are physically interchangeable or not.

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Q11.) Can one change the Murray and Eaton Circuit breakers?

Answer: No, again, the same answer as above.

One can do but should not do.

Q12.) Can the Square D easily fit a Cutler-Hammer?

Answer: This is also on the same note as the two questions above, and even the other manufacturers will also claim the same.

But don’t do it.

Q13.) Should one fit the GE Circuit breakers to the Cutler-Hammer?

Answer: Check it for UL listing first and do not so if it is not legal.

Also, not every Circuit breaker is interchangeable like the bolt-in ones.

Square D QO and Cutler-Hammer CH are examples that even do not fit physically, even if it’s legal to do so.

Q14.) What type of Circuit breakers are compatible with the Eaton?  

Answer: When it comes to classified interchangeable CBs with Eaton, Square D, General Electric, Thomas & Betts, ITE/Siemens, Murray, Crouse-Hinds do the work.

Q15.) Should one fit different breaker brands?

Answer: Don’t do this!

This is a popular belief but quite a myth only as not all work the same, and some work rather the opposite.

It can create issues.

Q16.) What is the significance of the term BR in the breaker?

Answer: BR breakers are those Circuit breakers whose width is 1 inch and come with black handles mostly.

Q17.) What is an Eaton type BR?

Answer: They are to be used in the load centers or panel centers.

One can also use them for FIRE-GUARD AFCI, which is an arc fault circuit interrupter.

Final Verdict:

Circuit breakers are a vital necessity for any home, business, or commercial usage.

The breaker trips the electrical power whenever there is an overload protecting the home appliances and other important stuff from power.

They come in many types, such as Low Voltage CBS, Medium, and High Voltage CBs, Thermal CBS.

However, magnetic Circuit breakers are recent ones and use cutting-edge electromagnetic coil tech to break the circuit.

Each circuit breaker has a small button to reset the breaker after each power surge.

There are many brands such as Eaton, Siemens selling circuit breakers, and many of their breakers are physically interchangeable as well.

However, checking legally under UL listing is more crucial than seeing just the physical compatibility.

Cutler-Hammer works with mostly all types of circuit breakers and even the latest magnetic-based as well.

See for yourself.

Thanks For Reading!