What is a Rozalea Plant?

Last Updated on March 13, 2025 2:42 pm

Keepsake Azaleas are the most famous kinds of indoor azalea plants and are sold by Yoder Brothers.

The fragile and evergreen azalea trees are not able to tolerate any cold temperatures.

Also, they need tough maintenance as rhododendrons require.

One of the major problems is underwatering.

With proper care, however, one can enjoy the stunning blooms these plants give off across all seasons.

What Is a Rozalea Plant?

The Rozalia is Keepsake Azalea and got the name of Rozalea due to pink petals and which resemble the rose petals. 

Location of Keepsake Azalea:

As we said earlier as well, azalea plants need proper maintenance, and their location also matters a lot.

  • These plants are delicate so never place them near heater vents.
  • Do not place these plants in direct sunlight.
  • Place in a proper temperate environment so that it can get some indirect sunlight.


One should water the Azaleas well.

  • Go for a weekly plunging of pot right into the container of water.
  • The peaty potting mix will become well moisturized due to this.
  • Take care not to oversoak, or the roots can take some damage.
  • Lastly, mist with a fine spray bottle for best results.

Caring the Azalea:

Azalea needs some extra care and maintenance to give off perfect bloom each time.

  • Be cautious while plucking out any spent blooms of the Keepsake Azalea tree.
  • This will allow the plant’s energy to develop the beautiful new blooms and at the same time allow It to for longer blooming times. 

Ideal conditions and a new home for your Keepsake Azalea:

One can Re-pot the Keepsake azalea after flowering.

  • To do this, put Keepsake Azalea into a 1 to 2 inches larger pot than the original one.
  • Remember that 6” is the most popular pot size at present.
  • Use the soil for potting, which has peat moss fortification and a suitable container with some drainage holes.

The ideal conditions in which the keepsake azalea thrives the best are as follow –

  • Cool and humid conditions are best for these plants.
  • The highest daytime temperature in which they thrive should not exceed more than 70 degrees F and 44 – 58 F during the night.
  • However, they also need good light for their photosynthesis and other chemical phases to happen smoothly.
  • For the same as stated above, either a bright light coming indirectly or partial sunlight all day is always best.
  • Avoid direct sunlight all day as it will only dry them out and not help the cause.
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Taking care in Winter Season 

The keepsake azalea needs different kinds of conditions during the winter to thrive.

  • Moving the plant to a location where the temperature is not going to fall beyond 30-degree F
  • A window place that is not heated but also not at freezing temperature is for sure a good bet for this plant’s location.
  • Remember that azalea plants don’t go well with cold weather at all.
  • Try to maintain a temperature above 45 F to help them sustain for long.
  • One double benefit method is to bring this plant indoors for some portions of time to not only save it from freezing but also add some home décor to your house.

Related Questions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1.) How should one care for an Azalea braid?

Answer: The potted topiary azaleas are famous for their compact and pretty dense shape.

One needs to provide the proper care like cool temperatures, indirect sunlight, acidic soil, which is moist as well, and pH between 4.5 to 6.

Q2.) How can one make Azaleas bloom again with full vigor?

Answer: Depending on the species, bring them to sunlight or keep them in the shade.

If the soil looks on the drier side, water properly.

Do some netting and apply some fungicide.

Q3.) Does one need to deadhead the Azaleas?

Answer: Deadheading is the process of removal of spent blossoms.

  • One must know the species of Azaleas.
  • For example, the deciduous variety is prone to deadheads.

The evergreen azaleas, on the other hand, do not require deadheads.

Q4.) Is it tough to care for Azaleas?

Answer: Rhododendrons and Azaleas are both difficult to take proper care of.

Not all Azaleas are tough to look after.

Some are sun growing, and others shady.

Q5.) How long can Azaleas last?

Answer: The dark-green and oval leaves cover this small and spreading shrub.

The woody stems of Azaleas bear clusters of many flowers right at their tips.

Q6.) How much time do the Azaleas last in bloom?

Answer: 14 to 16 days

Q7.) Why is your Azalea dropping leaves?

Answer: While 8 out of 10 times, it happens due to too much soggy soil or an invasion by pests, sometimes, it can also happen due to chemical damages.

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In any kind of stress, they are liable to drop their leaves.

Q8.) How to prune the Azalea bushes properly?

Answer: During the early summer or near spring, one can prune the Azaleas as soon as they bloom out.

Shrivel when the flowers begin to discolor.

Other seasons will only make their bloom a permanent delay.

Q9.) How can one re-pot the Azalea plant?

Answer: It is an easy process and can be done quickly.

  • Place the Azalea on your new pot and spread out the roots properly
  • Put some soil mixture on the cover near the top side of the azaleas root ball
  • Then, pat the soil around the Azalea gently
  • Water properly so that the roots can settle down

Q10.) What is the proper way of caring for Hydrangeas?

Answer: It is important to care for them as per season.

In summers, give them tons of water as they need to establish their rooting system.

Make sure the soil is moist and rich.

Q11.) What is the best plantation to plant right next to the Azaleas?

Answer: Some of the plants which look spectacular with the Azaleas are as follow –

  • Mountain Laurel or Kalmia
  • Japanese Andromeda AKA Pieris japonica
  • Any medium-sized evergreen shrub which can give off some great textural contrast with the Rhododendrons/ Azaleas

Q12.) How to put Azaleas in pots?

Answer: Azaleas are acidic pH-loving plants and belong to the group of ericaceous plants.

  • They thrive best in the pH between 5 to 6.0.
  • For putting them in pots, make sure to make at least one drainage point.
  • Because Azaleas can die in soil which drains improperly.

Q13.) How big can the average Azaleas bushes reach in height?

Answer: Azaleas vary enormously in their sizes.

As per the sources from The Azalea Society of America, there are more than a few thousand varieties of Azaleas.

The large Azaleas easily reach 10 feet tall height and smaller varieties around 12 inches.

Q14.) What is the best way to care for the Rozalea plant?

Answer: Placing the plant in a filtered sunlight path for the whole day is your best bet.

Another simple piece of advice is to keep it in a humid environment by misting and adding water properly.

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Drainage of any extra water is important too.

Q15.) What are the best and ideal conditions where azaleas grow like anything?

Answer: A moist and acidic soil is ideal for their wild growth and best blooms that thrive longer.

Azaleas need lots of organic matter as well, so remember to add enough peat and compost.

Sunlight should be partial and never direct.

Q16.) What is the right place to keep and plant an azalea outside?

Answer: For keepsake azalea, it is advisable to keep them indoors, especially during winters.

Keepsake azalea was designed for growing indoors only.

Q17.) How can I take proper care of Azalea growing indoors?

Answer: There are few points to keep in mind so that you can grow them properly

  • Keep them in a well-lit place and out of direct sun rays
  • For indoor Azalea, the most critical point is always moisture
  • Never let them dry
  • Do not allow pets to go near them

Q18.) How big can keepsake azaleas reach?

Answer: 2 ft or 60 cm easily

Final Verdict

Keepsake Azaleas and their blossoming pink variety, whose flowers resemble that of rose, known as Rozalea, is a typical blooming variety.

The flowers of this bloom look very beautiful and are liked by many individuals around the globe.

But this plant just like rhododendron are delicate and require some level of delicacy in their handling.

Their use is for indoors and should be protected from the frozen climatic condition at every cost.

Giving them proper sunlight is necessary but never keep them in dry and direct sunlight conditions.

The plants are liable to reach over 60cm + easily.

However, give proper care to them and do not under or overwater them.

You can also plant them outside, and many florists sell them as an evergreen plant.

However, do not let them reach -10 F temperature at any cost, or they fumble down easily.

For the Hydrangeas plant, the north-facing side suits them well, or they also love woody areas, so you can pack them there.

Do care for them properly, and they will easily go through many seasons.

Thanks for reading!