What is Flash Rice?

Last Updated on March 19, 2025 7:18 pm

Rice cooking can be tricky as one can often have them undercooked or overcooked, and in today’s busy life, it will just add to our stress.

Then comes in the picture the mighty rice cooker that can cook automatically without any need of worry.

What is Flash Rice?

The flash rice button is a functional operation on some Aroma Rice cookers, typically of which are ARC-150SB.

As per Aroma, “It’s a great time-saving and delicious option to get the rice in a flash.”

In short, this function saves some serious time.

Time is taken to cook the flash rice. 

  • The flash rice function is exactly as per the said timings by the brand.
  • For cooking around 4 cups of long-grained rice, expect around 28 minutes.
  • This means around 7 minutes faster than the previous model.
  • Also, it does not compromise the flavor or texture during this process.

Japanese cookers are expensive. 

The Japanese cookers are expensive for a reason, and that is one gets the perfect rice every time, no matter what happens.

They make it perfect for each kind of rice grain and across a wide variety of rice grains as well.

Try one for yourself.

Cooking white rice in a rice cooker – 

It is a simple process and depends basically on the type and model of rice cooker you are using.

  • Most rice cookers work on the ratio of 1½ cups of water for each cup of rice
  • For the ratio above, you will get about 3 cups of rice
  • These are enough for around 6 servings
  • In the end, turn the rice cooker on
  • Allow it to cook as per the given instructions
  • Relish the dish

Knowing when cooking is done in the rice cooker – 

  • A thermal sensor present in the rice cooker detects the temperature
  • Once this temperature reaches above 212 degrees, no water is left
  • Rice is done at that particular point
  • To simply avoid the rice from overcooking, the sensor automatically do some work
  • It shuts off the switch for heating

Related Questions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1.) Is the famous Jasmine rice white?

Answer: White rice comes in short, medium, and long grains.

  • The jasmine rice typically has long grain
  • The basic growth areas of Jasmine are South East Asia, Thailand
  • Long grain and with a varied fragrance
  • It comes in a different color
  • The white rice comes in lots of different sizes and textures
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Q2.) How to make some good rice?

Answer: Simply follow these steps –

  • Start from boiling some water and adding salt & Rinse the rice
  • Pour some fresh water, for every 1 cup of rice, put 1¾ cups of water
  • Do the above step in some large saucepan
  • Tightly close the lid and pour in rice
  • Stir slowly and cover the pot on simmer & at the end, fluff rice with the fork

Q3.) How to spice up the white rice?

Answer: Spicing up rice is an art and can also serve as an instant dinner

  • Add some kitchen herbs like basil, oregano, or rosemary for aroma
  • Add some oil, salt, and cook in the broth
  • One can add cilantro and lime for fresh flavor
  • End with some soy sauce and sprinkle the Furikake
  • Add beans or eggs and enjoy

Q4.) How to rinse rice?

Answer: It is a straightforward thing to do as follow –

  • Pour rice into a bowl
  • Try to choose some wide bowl which can stir the rice properly
  • Submerge rice in water
  • Again stir the rice with clean hands
  • Let the starchy water be drained
  • Punch the rice in a gentle manner
  • Rinse and repeat the process
  • As per your desire, soak the rice

Q5.) What is the adequate ratio of the rice to water in the basic aroma rice cooker?

Answer: White rice: 1 cup rice with 3/2 cups of water

In a basic aroma rice cooker, add rice with water to the inner pot.

There are several models, and all vary in operations.

A basic rice cooker can easily make up to 8 cups of cooked rice.

Q6.) How does the typical rice cooker work?

Answer: They work by the heat of boiling water, which absorbs on the rice until they become tender.

All rice cookers work automatically, and this saves time and frees up your time.

No need to think about over boiling or scorching.

Q7.) How to make rice the perfect way in a rice cooker?

Answer: Toast the rice grains with some butter/olive oil before the addition of water, and you will notice a fantastic nutty note.

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Use 2 measuring rice cups and add the liquid to just above 2 lines.

Q8.) How long can one keep rice in a rice cooker?

Answer: Up to 12 hours

Q9.) How to make some delicious fluffy rice in the rice cooker?

Answer: As per the recommendation from many people, first put the rice in that cooker bowl.

Then add the water and salt.

Close and let it set

Cook in keep warm cycle mode and let the rice do a steam bath for 10 minutes more.

Q10.) How much water should one add to two cups of rice?

Answer: Use 2 cups of water for each cup of basmati rice and about 1½ cups of water per cup of Jasmine rice

Q11.) Can we cook the basmati rice in the rice cooker?

Answer: Many people cook the basmati in a rice cooker with not a single issue.

You can too do the same without any problem

  • Add the rice to the rice cooker
  • Fill with water or broth
  • Let it fill to a little more amount than the measurement line given in the cooker
  • Cook and relish

Q12.) How to prevent the rice from getting sticky in rice cookers?

Answer: There are majorly 2 reasons for that as follow –

  • More water is used
  • Rice not rinsed before cooking

Q13.) What is the procedure to reheat rice in a rice cooker?

Answer: For reheating the leftover rice, do as follow

Heat the cooker to 75 degrees C and reheat them

Note – If your make and model of rice cooker do not cook at that much heat, avoid reheating the rice in them.

Q14.) How to cook instant rice in a rice cooker?

Answer: Yes, one can easily cook them in an instant pot.

Stir water and rice

Then, use the manual setting with a high-pressure setting

Set this timer for 1 minute for white rice and 5 minutes for black rice

Q15.) What are some health benefits of the popular white rice?

Answer: Yes, there are lots of health benefits

  • The white rice stabilizes the blood sugar levels
  • It is gluten-free
  • It is a storehouse of quick energy
  • Great improvement in Cardiovascular health
  • Pretty easy to digest
  • Keeps your gut healthy

Q16.) What is the time period to cook rice in an Aroma Rice cooker?

Answer: It all depends on the technology used.

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Black + Decker rice cooker can cook 1 cup of rice in 19 minutes

26 to 35 minutes are set in 26 to 35 minutes.

Q17.) Is it okay to add some butter to the rice cooker?

Answer: Yes, it is okay to add butter and even salt to the rice cooker. It does not pose any danger to the cooker in any respect.

  • Rather its adds a flavor to the rice and gives it a different taste.
  • Add other spices as well for more taste.

Q18.) Can one put an egg in the rice cooker?

Answer: Yes

Set timer properly for this.

Only set the timer when everything is cold and put your eggs in the rice cooker

Then switch it on

It requires 20 minutes for hard-boiled eggs and 12 to 14 minutes for softer ones.

Final Verdict – 

We all know that rice is one of the easiest-to-digest meals.

But at the same time, it can be difficult to cook due to overcooking or undercooking aspects.

As our life gets busier and busier with lots of meetings, getting an undercooked pot of rice will only add to the stress.

The best solution is to go for a rice cooker which automates the whole process and makes your life easy.

A good rice cooker comes at the rescue as it helps you get the right flavor every time, day in and day out.

Some of us might not be very tech-friendly chefs, but there are many reasons to buy one for sure.

Aroma modern and highly rated rice cookers come at $40 pricing, which is pretty cheap and amazing.

It is pretty easy, where you need to just add rice into a bowl, rinse it, put some water, and you are good to go.

Aroma cookers come with flashing to save 5 to 10 minutes in cooking times which is pretty good and the need of the hour.

For a Rice cooker and food steamer combo, go for a black and Decker 8 cups large capacity one.

Cook rice for a crowd or yourself.

It automates the process, and it is as easy as following just 3 steps to cook the rice.

Relax and relish the rice meal

Thanks for reading!