What is Level 6 Hair Color?

Last Updated on March 13, 2025 7:47 am

There are 10 layers of hair color and it has been given different names that say black for level 1, darkest brown for level 2 and it goes on.

Level 6 hair is also known as darker shade of blonde hair. Medium or light blonde falls on 7-8 level. Blonde hair is mostly seen on the people of west. Dark blond is like dark golden if we say about it in eastern way.

What is level 6 hair color? Level 6 is named as dark blonde. You can classify anyone’s natural hair color with these shades or scales. The level-6 or dark blonde is a pretty color.

If you want to see what type of hair color it is, you can see this natural shade among people in Europe or America and Australia too.

Coloring is the process where you experiment with your hair and see if your hair is suitable for any other color than natural hair color.

Benefits of Level 6 Hair Color:

  • It is not light hair color so it is absorbable by any hair.
  • It looks lovely on you.

Side Effects of Level 6 Hair Color:

  • It may damage your hair.
  • It may cause frizziness to your hair.

Level System & Cost for Level 6 Hair Color:

The level system of hair color is differentiated in light or dark color of your hair. Moreover the level is named with different names as the number increases. The level number ranges from 1 to 10.

The names are black, darkest brown, dark brown/chestnut, medium brown, light brown, dark blonde, medium blonde, natural red, light blonde, lightest blonde/platinum respectively from 1 to 10.

The cost for coloring your hair dark blonde depends on different aspects like quality of the product, the place you visit, the length of your hair etc.

Importance of Level System in Hair Color:

It is easier to memorize an answer if it is in points, right? It is easier to decide what to wear if there are lined up clothes in a row differentiated in different colors right?

That’s the level system of hair color. When the levels are differentiated on the basis of the color tone, it is easier for the consumers to understand and clear the doubts of what hair color they have.

How to Color Your Hair Dark Blonde?

To color your hair dark blonde, the following points are the ways:

Step 1: Get Your Hair Color:

If you want to color your hair dark blonde, first get your hair color from the nearest store you have. If you get confused on which color is dark blonde, save a photo from the internet and show that to the store owner.

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Step 2: Color Your Hair:

If you are skilled to color your hair by yourself at your own home, then you saved some good money. Bring the color, make it doable and apply in your hair. Then leave it for a few minutes (which is written in the packet itself), wash your hair with cold water and you are good to go.

Step 3: Go to Parlor (Alternative):

If you don’t know how to color your hair by yourself then you go to the nearest parlor. You have to worry about nothing, all the work would be done by the person in the parlor. The only thing that you need to worry about is the money you have to pay to the parlor.

Duration of the Hair Color:

Almost everyone who is curious to color their hair has one main question on their head. How long will the color last?

Well, the lasting of the hair color purely depends on your hair and the product but most commonly it lasts for about a month. After that the hair color starts to fade away and slowly the hair gets the natural color back.

So, if you want to experiment with your hair color and you are worried about the permanent color it leaves, well you don’t need to worry about that now.

Level 6 Hair Color and Its Pros and Cons:

For you guys to get a better understandable view, we’ve sorted some points about the level 6 hair colors, its availability, consequences and its benefits in the following points:

The hair color of level 6 is named dark blonde.

  • It needs a packet for hair of small length and 2 or 3 packets by seeing the length of your hair.
  • You have to research and put on the hair color of a nicely reviewed and renowned brand.
  • If your hair is of darker shade, it is more likely for hair color to shine if it is of darker shade.
  • If your hair is of lighter color, it is more likely that your hair can absorb any color.
  • It is always nice if you talk to some people who know about hair color before you color your hair.


  • Look nice on you.
  • It will give your hair extra shine.
  • It will give your face extra glow too.


  • It is available in almost every store but for the rural areas, it is quite hard to get this hair color.
  • Your hair can be rough and frizzy after you apply the hair color because not every hair can stand artificial hair color.
  • Insufficient care for your hair can destroy your hair.
  • There are chances that the hair color might not look as pretty as it seems on photographs because the color that your hair absorbs depends on your natural hair the most.
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Some More About Other Level Hair Color:

1. Level 1(Black): As the name suggests, it is clearly understood that it gives the hair black color.

2. Level 2(Darkest Brown): There are four types of brown out of which level 2 gives the darkest color of all.

3. Level 3 (Dark brown): It is lighter than darkest brown.

4. Level 4 (Brown): It is subtle brown that is darker than light brown but lighter than dark brown.

5. Level 5: Light Brown.

6. Level 6 (Dark blonde): We discussed this on our whole blog. It is the darkest blonde color you can get for your hair.

7. Level 7 (Blonde): It is lighter than dark blonde.

8. Level 8 (Light Blonde): It is lighter than blonde but darker than very light blonde.

9. Level 9: Very light blonde.

10. Level 10 (Ultra-light blonde): It is the lightest hair color among all.

How Do You Color Your Hair?

Well, it is a simple way to paint/color your hair. You have to buy the hair color you want to put on your hair.

You open the packet and put it in a bowl and add the appropriate amount of water in it and then you color your hair with a brush. Some hair colors are packaged in such a way that you don’t have to add water in it.

And this gives an amazing shine to your hair.

There are many different types of hair color you can put in your hair. As I said earlier, you can make your hair color of your own choice.

Should You Bleach or Color Your Hair?

Bleaching your hair can be challenging because bleaching means permanently coloring your hair which also leads to damage and it makes your hair rough. I suggest you color your hair temporarily before thinking of bleaching your hair.

Some Other Questions:FAQ

Q1.) What is a level 6 in hair color?

Answer: As the levels are distinguished in 10-12 levels, Level 6 is named as dark blonde.

Q2.) Is level 6 dark blonde or light brown?

Answer: The level 6 hair color is dark blonde. Light brown is level 4.

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Q3.) Is level 6 or 7 darker in hair?

Answer: As level 6 is dark blonde and level 7 is medium blonde, the dark blonde is darker as dark is carried in its name.

Q4.) What hair color is lighter, 6 or 7?

Answer: As level 6 and 7 is dark blonde and medium blonde respectively, the level 7 is lighter hair color than level 6 hair color.

Q5.) How to know the better-quality product?

Answer: To make your hair look elegant, you need to do some research before going to the store to buy it. The review and ratings on different brands will help your mind to be clear on which ones to buy.

Q6.) What is the level system of hair color?

Answer: The level system of hair color is a universal system used by colorists, cosmetologists and hair color manufacturers to standardize hair color charts.

Q7.) What is the possibility of damaged hair?

Answer: Well, the possibilities of damaged hair are 60-40 as it depends on the status of your hair and how well you take care of it.

Q8.) What should be the best brand to choose?

Answer: We understand that different brands have different quality of products but I would like to suggest you to go with L’Oreal Paris or Garnier.

Q9.) What is the cost of 1 packet level 6 hair color?

Answer: It ranges from $2 to $5.

Q10.) How can I find my color tone?

Answer: By looking at the hair and the texture of the hair, the hair stylist can tell the hair color your natural hair has. By looking at your natural hair color, the stylist can tell which hair color can look best on you.

Q11.) How plenty does it cost to color your hair level 6?

It can take from $5 to $50 to color your hair dark blonde (level 6).


Looking at the explanation and points said above, the level system is important as it categorizes the different color patterns of the hair color which helps us to decide what will look good on us and what hair color we already have.

It helps us to make our hair look nicer that it was before, shinier than it is and extra than the normal.

Moreover, it is always nice to be extraordinary, isn’t it? It is always nice that your hair looks healthier than before. It is always nice to ace the look you own.